Growing up, my grandparents enjoyed preparing pork barbecue a few times every year at their home. Whenever they barbecued, they would invite several friends and other family members over. To serve with the pork meat, my grandmother always prepared several mouthwatering side dishes such as potato salad and baked beans. Because they slow cooked the meat for hours, they were always extremely tired when the fun festivities were complete. Nowadays, my family skips the hassle of cooking pork barbecue themselves. Instead, they enjoy this delicious entree at a favorite local restaurant. On this blog, you will discover the best side dishes to order with a pork barbecue meal at a restaurant. Enjoy!
Roland Adams
If you have just moved to a new area and you have not yet made any friends, you are most likely feeling pretty lonely. The first time going to a bar alone can be overwhelming, but with a few tips you will soon be part of the regular gang, looking forward to your nights ahead instead of worrying about passing your time alone. Here are a few tips to use when going to a bar on your own in an attempt to meet others.
Select The Right Location
Going to an establishment that appears to be busy is a good indication you will have a good time once inside. Look for a bar in a safe part of town with lit up parking areas and a respectable dress code. Going to a bar that offers food choices is best because the clientele will be a mixed bunch of drinkers and non-drinkers instead of an establishment purely for intoxication.
Scope Out The Crowd
When you go into a bar on your own, sit in a booth or at a table away from the drinkers at the bar. You can work your way up to this spot later if you desire, but during your first time out, it is a good idea to sit away from the crowd so you can spectate from afar. If the establishment makes you feel uneasy, you will be able to leave quite easily without making a spectacle. If the feeling is relaxing, stay and order a bit from the menu along with a cocktail. You can watch the action of the bar area from your safe haven and decide whether or not you wish to join the crowd as you get a feel for the people who are hanging out there.
Bring Along A Diversion
If you bring a paperback book to the bar, you will have a ready-made activity to use if you are not feeling confident enough yet to become sociable with others in the establishment. The book can also double as a conversation piece should someone wish to speak with you. You can use this to your advantage in striking up a discussion about the book with others if you desire.
Introduce Yourself To Staff
Giving the waitress a good tip on your way out will ensure you get preferred service again should you decide to return. Let them know you appreciated their service and tell them your name as you leave your tip. If you had cocktails, leave a separate tip for the bartender on your way out. Introduce yourself and ask them if there are any specials throughout the week or if they have any entertainment on certain nights. They will most likely encourage you to come back, and you will feel more confident about returning since you have been in the establishment before.
If you're not sure which sports bar to check out first, consider one like Atlas Pizza & Sports Bar.